This past May, Promising Pages joined forces with the Diverse Books for All Coalition along with 38+ other non-profit organizations from around the country.  The coalition is working to…

  • Double the number of quality diverse children’s books distributed by partner organizations in five years
  • Unify the market of nonprofits to leverage the power of aggregate buying, influencing the availability and pricing of diverse children’s books
  • Frame and elevate a national narrative to promote the importance of diverse books
  • Ensure that parents, primary caregivers, early childhood providers, and educators have the resources and support they need to access and use diverse books in the programs, communities and classrooms.

Now more than ever, students need access to books that engage them and reflect their lives. If you’d like to support the work we’re doing locally, here are some ways you can help:

We’re honored to work alongside our colleagues, across the nation, to help more children see themselves reflected in the books they read. Learn more about the work we’re doing with the coalition here: