Hundreds of organizations and 60,000+ children rely on Promising Pages as their main source of free books. As the Charlotte area’s only book bank, we “re-home” hundreds of thousands of children’s books each year, creating book-rich environments that offer children pathways to opportunity.

To ensure we have plenty of books to share with those that need them most, we host a month-long community book drive each October to collect new and gently used books. We call it BOOKTOBERFEST!

Get Involved!

Individuals, community groups, and businesses are invited to join us!

Book Drive Captain

Whether you’re an individual, business, neighborhood, or community organization we need your help collecting like new and gently used children’s books. Click the link below to learn how you can sign up to be a book drive captain.

Donation Location

Businesses and public-facing organizations can serve as book drop-off locations during the month of October. Promising Pages will supply the bin, list your business on our drop-off location map, and you collect the books! Click the button below to learn more or sign up.

Event Sponsor

Interested in supporting the largest community book drive in the region? Booktoberfest sponsorship benefits are numerous but the most important benefit is the impact you’ll be making on the 64,000+ children we serve. Click below to learn more about how to become a sponsor.

Get Involved!

Individuals, community groups, and businesses are invited to join us!

Book Drive Captain

Whether you’re an individual, business, neighborhood, or community organization we need your help collecting like new and gently used children’s books. Click below to learn how to sign up to be a book drive captain.

Donation Location

Businesses and public-facing organizations can serve as book drop-off locations during the month of October. Promising Pages will supply the bin, list your business on our drop-off location map, and you collect the books! Click the button below to learn more or sign up.

Event Sponsor

Interested in supporting the largest community book drive in the region? Booktoberfest sponsorship benefits are numerous but the most important benefit is the impact you’ll be making on the 64,000+ children we serve. Click below to learn more about how to become a sponsor.

2024 Booktoberfest Sponsors

2024 Booktoberfest Sponsors

2023 Booktoberfest Book Drop Locations

For those not captaining book drives, but who still want to donate books to Booktoberfest,
you can drop off books at any of our year-round locations or at the additional sites below.

Promising Pages Donation Bin

Book Bin: Open 24 hours

Mr. Putty’s Fun Park: Miniature Golf

Book Bin – Open 24 hours

Compost Central Recycling Center

Accepting Books: Monday – Saturday 7 am – 4 pm 

The Cornwell Center

Accepting Books: Monday – Friday 6 am – 6 pm, Saturday 8 am – 12pm

Tillman Insurance Advisors

Accepting Books: Monday – Friday 9 am – 5 pm

Tillman Insurance Advisors

Accepting Books: Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm

Uwharrie Bank

Accepting Books: Monday – Friday, 9am – 5pm

The Temple’s Edge

Accepting Books: Monday: 3pm-9pm; Tuesday: 2pm-9pm; Wednesday: 2pm-9pm; Thursday: 12pm-10pm,

Friday: 12pm-10pm; Saturday: 9am-10pm; Sunday: 12pm-8pm

Second Look Books

Accepting Books: Tuesday – Saturday, 10am – 6pm

Sweet Frog Concord

Accepting Books: Monday – Thursday, 11am – 9pm; Friday – Saturday, 11am – 10pm; Sunday 12pm – 10pm

Regus @ Mooresville-Langtree

Accepting Books: Open 24 hours

Spaces South End

Accepting Books: Open 24 hours

Spaces: Trade and Tryon

Accepting Books: Open 24 hours

Le Petit Spa

Accepting Books: Monday – Friday, 9am-9pm

The Book Rack

Corks, Cooks, & Books

Tall Stories

Old Navy Blakeney Town Center

Open: Monday-Saturday 10a-9p; Sunday 10a-7p

Smart Start of Mecklenburg County

Open: M-F, 8:30-4:30pm

In addition to our regular book donation locations, the following organizations have volunteered to be a donation location for the month of October:

  • Smart Start of Mecklenburg County

  • Old Navy Blakeney Town Center

Booktoberfest Book Drive Captains

Follow these 5 Steps for a successful Booktoberfest book drive!

STEP 1: Plan – Let Promising Pages know you plan to host a book drive.

  • Contact the Operations Team at Promising Pages and let us know that you’re interested in hosting a book drive by signing up here: Book Drive Sign Up.
  • If you’re still not sure about hosting a drive and would like further information, please email us at [email protected].

STEP 2:  Prepare – Determine dates and a goal for the book drive.

  • Most groups collect for 2-3 weeks. It is also helpful to set a goal for the number of books to be collected, as this inspires many donors and helps you gauge success.

STEP 3:  Provide – Donation bins at drop-off locations and collect books.

  • Bins/boxes should be placed where they are most visible and should be strong enough to hold large numbers of books. You are welcome to put a Promising Pages Book Drive flyer and instructions on the bins.  At this time, Promising Pages does not have donation bins to loan out for book drives.

STEP 4: Promote –  Share and advertise the book drive to your network.

  • Successful efforts usually include multiple messages through email, social media, website postings, flyers, etc. Make sure to include information about Promising Pages, Booktoberfest, the need for books other children have outgrown, guidelines for donations, details about when and where to drop off donations, a timeline of your drive, and the number of books you are wanting to collect.
  • If someone does not have books of their own to donate but would still like to participate in your book drive, they are welcome to check out our Book Wishlists and purchase books from an online or local bookstore!
  • Customize a printable flyer for your drive and donation bins or use ours! Customizable Booktoberfest 2024 book drive flyer or  Booktoberfest 2024 Flyer

STEP 5:  Celebrate – Make and celebrate your donation.

  • As you near the conclusion of the book drive, contact the Promising Pages Operations Team via email ([email protected]) to arrange for your donations to be dropped off at our Operations Center.
  • Please accurately count and box your books before dropping them off.
  • Don’t forget to celebrate and promote your success by sharing your results with local media, employees, customers, and other stakeholders!
  • Tag us on social media with the hashtag #booktoberfest!

2023 Booktoberfest Sponsors

2023 Booktoberfest Sponsors

2023 In-Kind Sponsors

2023 In-Kind Sponsors

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(704) 399-1934
[email protected]
4020 Yancey Rd, Charlotte, NC 28217


(704) 399-1934
[email protected]
4020 Yancey Rd, Charlotte, NC 28217

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Books on Break

Feed the Body / Mind

Diverse Book Infusion