Host a Book Drive

Host a Book Drive
Individuals, businesses, neighborhoods, and organizations can help Promising Pages by collecting like new or gently used children’s books. These books go directly to students in our community who have few, if any, books at home.
We appreciate donations of: new, like new, & gently used children’s books – ages birth to high school
We cannot accept: damaged books, adult books, school text books, encyclopedias, magazines, CDs, or DVDs
Host an In-person or Virtual Book Drive
STEP 1: Plan – Let Promising Pages know you plan to host a book drive.
- Contact the Operations Team at Promising Pages and let us know that you’re interested in hosting a book drive by signing up here: Book Drive Sign Up.
- If you’re still not sure about hosting a drive and would like further information, please email us at [email protected].
STEP 2: Prepare – Determine dates and a goal for the book drive.
- Most groups collect for 2-4 weeks. It is also helpful to set a goal for the number of books to be collected, as this inspires many donors and helps you gauge success.
STEP 3: Promote – Share and advertise the book drive to your network.
- Successful efforts usually include multiple messages through email, social media, website postings, fliers, etc. Make sure to include information about Promising Pages, the need for books other children have outgrown, guidelines for donations, details about when and where to drop off donations, a timeline of your drive, and the number of books you are wanting to collect.
- Customize our printable flyer for your drive and donation bins. Customizable book drive flyer
- General Book Drive Flyer or Virtual Book Drive Flyer
STEP 4: Provide – Donation bins at drop-off locations and collect books.
- Bins/boxes should be placed where they are most visible and should be strong enough to hold large numbers of books. You are welcome to put a Promising Pages Book Drive flyer and instructions on the bins. At this time, Promising Pages does not have any donation bins to loan out for book drives.
STEP 5: Celebrate – Make and celebrate your donation.
- As you near the conclusion of the book drive, contact the Promising Pages Operations Team via email ([email protected]) to arrange for your donations to be dropped off at our Operations Center.
- Don’t forget to celebrate and promote your success by sharing your results with local media, employees, customers, and other stakeholders!
- Tag us on social media!
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