To put it simply, Promising Pages would not be able to have the impact we have on the Charlotte Area Book Desert without the support of our partner organizations. This series of posts will highlight the partners we have had past and present who make a real impact in their communities in more ways than one.
Many of the kids who live in the Charlotte Area Book Desert also live in food deserts. We believe healthy food and books in the home are critical to a child’s development. In light of this, our Feed the Body, Feed the Mind program partners with local food banks and pantries to provide books alongside groceries and meals. As part of our Feed the Body, Feed the Mind program, Promising Pages has teamed up with several Loaves and Fishes‘ mobile pantries around the city. Mount Carmel Baptist Church, working out of The Harvest Center, has been one of our most productive pantries as they distribute our books along with nutritious groceries. In a little over a year, they have distributed more than 2,295 books to hundreds of families. Since becoming a part of the program, the women volunteers at the heart of the pantry have been dedicated and delightful to work with. They love their community and we are so thankful they are helping us build home libraries in Charlotte.